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Dell XPS 13 (2020)

This Is The XPS 13 From 2020 It's The9300 And I Have A Very Specialrelationship With This Product Line Itwas The Very First La...

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This Is The XPS 13 From 2020 It's The9300 And I Have A Very Specialrelationship With This Product Line Itwas The Very First Laptop I Reviewed Onthis Channel Like The 2015 XPS 13 Andit's Also The Device That I Oftenrecommend To People When They Just Askedme Hey Dave What Windows Laptop Wouldyou Recommend For People That Just Don'tknow A Lot About Computers They Justwant Like An Easy Recommendation I Oftenlead Them To This XPS 13 Because.

It'sjust A Really Good Product Line Fromdell It's Not Super Expensive Theyimprove On It Every Year And Just Mostpeople Can Enjoy This Product Quitereadily So I Look At This Thingcritically I Look At This Thing Throughthe Eyes Of Someone That Would Actuallywant To Use This Thing As My Maincomputer Now They Revamped The XPS 13This Year I Didn't Expect Them To Lastyear Was Already Really Good But Theycompletely Redid It And They Improved Ona Lot Of Features But They Actually Madea.

Few Things Less Good But Let's Getinto It First Thing Design Andaesthetics This Thing Is Incrediblynice-Looking Its Small Its Compact Itslightweight But This Year Actually Wentfor The Black Carbon Fiber Model So Lastyear I Had Like The White One This Yearwent For Like The Black Finish There'ssomething About The Way That Dell Doestheir Carbon Fiber That Is Very Uniqueit's Soft To The Touch Its Durable Itsinviting To Use I Think A Lot Of Peopleenjoy.

The Way That The Black Carbonfiber Feels On This Device So I Went Forit Again This Year The White Models Theylook Really Nice But They're Not As Niceto Use Because They Don't Have That Softtouch Material That The Black Carbonfiber Does Now On The Surface Of Thisdevice I'm Running Ad Brand Scan This Isthe Black Matrix I Just Do It For Thelooks But.

It Does Have A Degree Ofprotection If You Kind Of Bang Yourdevice Around Okayports This Year They Only Include Twousb Ports There's One USB See On Theleft And Then You've One Use PC On Theright That's It Last Year's Model Had Athird USB See Now I Can Give It A Passwith Two I Mean Like There Are Somedevices Out There Like That 12-Inchmacbook That Only Have A Single Port Butif You're Someone That Connects A Lot Ofdevices To Their Laptop You're Gonnahave To Get Some Adapters There's Also Aheadphone Jack On The Left And An Sdcard Slot Or A Micro SD Card Slot On Theright.

If You'll Notice They're Actuallymissing The Light Indicator For Batteryso They Used To Have This Button Youcould Press To Check On Battery Life Andnowi Don't Think People Often Relied Onthat Button To Check On The Batterystatus Of Their Device It's Justsomething That's Existed On So Manyolder XPS 13 Devices It's Weird To Seeit Gone Okay One Thing I Did Notice Onthis Machine That Was Very Unique Or Newthis Year You Can Open The Device Withone Hand And It Seems To Be Somethingthat People Wanted I've Personally Neverfound It Super Important Or Supervaluable To Have That Feature But I Cansee Being Useful In Certain Scenariosespecially For Holding Something Withthe Other Hand You Just Only Have Onehand To Do It It's Nice It's More Thefact.

That They Spent The Time And Effortto Engineer The Hinge So It Could Bedone Like That Like They Certainlydidn't Need To Add This Feature At Allright All The XPS 13 Is In The Pastthey'd Never Been Able To Do This Peoplestill Bought Them But It's Nice Thatthey Did It This Yearnow The Screen Has Also Been Changedthis Is Now Running A 16 By 10 Aspectratio Instead Of The More Traditional 16By 9 Is Just A Little More Verticalspace It's A 13 Point 4 Inch Screen Thisis A Really Nice Aspect Ratio For Thistype Of Device I've Always Been A Bigfan Of 16 By 10 Ultrabooks.

The Screen Isbright It's Got Pretty Good Coloraccuracy It's A Really Nice Screen Itdoes Not However Have Touch Sensitivitythere Are Some Configurations Thatdubuis Have To Pay Quite A Bit More Tobe Able To Have That Feature The Webcamis Up Top It's In A Good Spot Again Thisyear And The 20/20 Model Supportswindows Hello So You Can Log Intowindows With Just Your Face Biometricsit's Really Nice Wonderful Screen Now Ifyou Don't Want To Use Face ID You Canalso Use Your Fingerprint Sensor That'sat The Top Of The Keyboard So.

I Guesslet's Talk About The Keyboard So This Isit's A Redesigned Keyboard And I Reallylike It Now I'm Partial To The Layout Ofthe XPS 13 So I've Always Enjoyed Howthey've Positioned Their Keys They'vetweaked A Couple Things For One The Leftand Right Keys Are Now Full-Size Keysinstead Of Those Half Keys From The 2019Model So You Don't Hit The Page Up Andpage Down By Mistake I Really Like Thislayout But I Can See How Some Peoplewon't.

If You're Someone That Uses Pageup And Page Down Frequently And You Wereused To The Position And You Wantedphysical Dedicated Keys You Now Losethat You Now Have To Hit Function Upfunction Down But I Love The Layout Onthis Thing I Think Most People Willenjoy It The Keys Themselves They Feelawesome Now Maybe It's Because I've Usedso Many Bad Ultrabook Keyboards In Therecent Years These Feel Wonderfulthey're Bigger Keys Than Last Year'smodel They're Responsive.

The Key Travelis Nice I Think A Lot Of People Willenjoy This Keyboard Okay The Trackpadthis Is Also Slightly Bigger This Yearthan It Was Last Year It's Not A Hugetrackpad I Think It's Appropriatelysized For A 13-Inch Ultrabook Thetracking Is Good It's Got Windowsprecision Drivers But The Click It'sdifferent This Year It's Like A Thumpyou're Quieter Sound Still Feel Solidlike You Compared To Last Year's Modelthis Is A 2019 One It's Just A Loudersharper Click First Of The Thump Earokayspeaking Of Sound The Speakers On Thismodel Ok Here's.

The Thing Over The Yearslaptop Manufacturers Have Ruined Laptopspeakers Because They Always Market Themwith These Like Fancy Names And Thesefancy Brands To Make People Think Thattheir Crappy Speakers Actually Soundgoodthis Year These Are Actually Goodthey're Way Better Than Last Year'smodel And Way Better Than The Vastmajority Of Ultrabook Speakers Out Thereand I Think It's Because Of Wattagethese Are 2 Watt Speakers Instead Ofyour Standard Like One Or One And A Halfwatt Speakers They Are Not As Good Asmacbook Speakers But.

I Think That If Youcare About Sound You Won't Bedisappointed By These[Laughter][Applause]In Terms Of Performance I Think Dell Dida Really Good Job Considering What'sgoing On Here And A Fin And Light Ultrabook Like This It's Running 10Th Genintel Chips These Are Similar In Cpuperformance To Last Your Stuff But Thegraphical Performance Is Noticeablybetter It's Still Not Great For Gamingright Even Something Like Overwatch Nota Particularly Demanding Game It Doesn'trun All That Well Like 

It's Playable Butit's Gonna Stutter Here And Thereif You Wanted To Have Your Stuff Itstill Can't Compete With An H Serieschip From Intel And I Would Really Liketo See An AMD Chip In This Chassis Thatwould Be Awesomebut Performance On The Whole Is Quitegood And I Actually Think The Thermalsystem On This Year's Bottle Is Slightlyimproved Compared To Last Year's Modelso.

If You Take A Look At The Insidethere's Quite A Few Things That Havechanged But Even The Back Panel Has Beenupgraded A Little So This Grille Hereused To Be Made Out Of Plastic And Itwas Something That Could Be Easilybroken When You're Opening The Deviceit's Now Part Of The Machined Aluminumbottom Panel So Inside We See Two Fansthat Are In A Different Position Thisyear Than They Were In Previous Yearsthey're Now On.

The Left And Right So Youget More Even Heat Dissipation The Wi-Ficard Is On Board You Can't Replace Thatunfortunately It's A Killer Wi-Fi Cardwhich I Know It's Based On Intel'shardware But It's Got Some Softwarestuff Do You Have To Finagle With Theram Is Soldered On Can't Replace Thatbut The SSD Thank Goodness Is Stillreplaceable I Thought That They Wouldbake These Things On Board Because Theirnewest XPS 13 2 And Ones Had Them Builtinto The Motherboard But This Is Stillreplaceable The SSD They Include Is Fromsk Hynix But You Can Easily Upgrade Thatif You Want And If You Look On The Leftand Right You Can Actually See Theantennas They Just Have Them Out In Theopen On This Particular Model Now Thebattery Down Here 52 Watt Hours Theyhaven't Changed The Size But I'm Stillgetting.

A Comfortable 10 Hours On Thisparticular Battery If You Get A Higherresolution Screen It's Probably Less But10 Hours On The 1080P Model Without Atouchscreen The Other Thing I Noticed Onthis Device Is That The Headphone Jackassembly Is Separate From Themotherboard Instead Of A Jack That'sjust Built Into The Motherboard It's Theseparate Assembly That Sits Inside Thebottom Panel And Then When You Close Itup There's Pogo Pins That Connect It Tothe Motherboard And I Don't Know Whythey Did It Like This Maybe Was Like Aspace-Saving Thing But I've Never Seenanything Like This I Thought I'd Justshow It To You Guys Because It's Prettycool Ok I Want To Close This Discussionoff With The Pricing And.

The configurations Of This New XPS 13 So Onthe Website They Have The Cheap Modelstarting At 999 Dollars But That Thingis Four Gigs Of RAM And I've Said Thisbefore In Previous Videos I Gotta Say Itagainyou Should Not Sell A Premium Devicelike This An XPS 13 With Only Four Gigsof RAM It Just It Doesn't Make Senseit's Disrespectful To The Consumer Tohave Something Like That Available Onyour Website Like When Every Othermanufacturer Out Thereputting Eight Gigs Of RAM As A Minimumin Their Base Models Don't Sell A Fourgig Line Like When Phones Like You Canbuy A 20/20 Smartphone With Eight Gigsof Ram For 250 Buckswhat Is.

This Four Gig Model Doing Itdoesn't Make Sense Anyways Aside Fromthat Weird RAM Configuration On Theirwebsite I Really Feel Like They Did Areally Good Job On This Year's XPS 13They Did A Whole Bunch Of Improvementsis A Really Nice Looking Machine And Ireally Recommend It For Anyone.